Saturday, January 5, 2019

Alkaline Water - Is It Really Healthier Than Regular Water?

Concept of Alkaline water and does it really worth to spend money on it

Is Alkaline Water better ?


What is alkaline water ? 

Alkaline water means water having higher pH than normal water, that is pH greater than 7. 

pH of a substance is the measure of acidity of that substance, it varies from 0 to 14. pH  of 7 is considered is neutral, less than 7 means acidic and more than 7 means the substance is basic or alkaline.                        
What makes normal water an Alkaline water is when certain alkaline compounds like salts and metals are added to normal water it becomes Alkaline in nature. pH of tap water is nearly 7 whereas pH of Alkaline water generally varies from 8 to 9.

Alkaline water is said to be medicinal, curative & good for optimal health because of the belief that the reason for diseases and bad health is the acidic properties of our body.

Is it even possible to “optimize” the body’s alkalinity?

According to experts, actually there is no such thing as “the body’s pH” in the first place. Different parts of our body have different pH as required for their proper functioning. pH from highly acidic to moderately alkaline can be found in different parts of body.

For example gastric fluids are highly acidic in nature. While the pH of blood is around 7.35 to 7.45.

Many studies & experts suggest that it is not possible to change pH of body. If we try to change through external intakes, the body's buffer system through kidneys will not allow to do so.

So, what are the effects of drinking Alkaline Water? 

Alkaline water is claimed to have three main health benefits first is it reduces acid re-flux, secondly it improves and provides better hydration, and lastly it prevents cancer.

Let us look at each of the claim 

Reduces Acid Reflux ... ?

According to researches till now, it can be somewhat said that people consuming Alkaline water, have lesser issues of Acid reflux than before when they were consuming normal water.
Studies are still being done to confirm this claim.
But for now, we may say it is somewhat helpful in Acid reflux problems.

Improves Hydration ... ?

Alkaline water seems to have better hydration properties than normal water. But wait according to experts it is enough to hydrate yourself with normal water. Even if dehydration occurs only water along with electrolytes (ORS etc..)  are enough. 
So no need to spend extra bucks for better hydration from Alkaline Water

Prevents Cancer ... ? 

It can still not been said, since there is no research study till date which is in favor or against this claim.

So as conclusion it can be said Alkaline water is over-marketed for now, as there are no significant researches which strongly proves its good effects on health. But the studies are still going on.
You may go with your normal water without spending more on alkaline water.


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