Saturday, January 26, 2019

What are superfoods?

What are superfoods?

Superfood examples

There is actually no scientific definition which clarifies the term “superfood”. Which again leads us to our original question which is what are superfoods ?, then, if they are not defined.
It is basically a marketing term used for some of the foods which are nutritionally dense than the others. Or it can be said that they are called so because they are supposed to have high value to our good health.
It is essential to mention here that no single food, be it a superfood, can provide every nutrient we need for well-functioning of our body to maintain a good health.
Foods which are entitled as Superfoods by the market, have certain health benefits. Like some of them are suggested to lower down risks of chronic diseases such as heart diseases, strokes, or even cancer. While some of them may slow down the ageing process, improve physical activities of individuals, improve mental activity, memory power, and many other benefits. These all characters in a food makes it a superfood.
Many foods are tagged as Superfood. It  suggested to have a variety of fruits, veggies included in your diet so as to meet all the nutrients as your body requires, since no food or superfood can provide all the nutrients alone.

Let us now look at some of the superfoods and their health benefits, which very well justify the title of Superfood given to them.

 Acai Berry :

Acai superfood
Dried Acai berries

It is a dark purple berry, native to Amazon Region also known as Amazonian Palm Fruit, since they grow on palm trees. Acai Berry is famous for numerous of health benefits it imparts making it a su
Indicating its nutritional profile, it is low in sugars, high in fatty acids, also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
As they are superrich in antioxidants, acai berry can neutralise the damaging effects of free radicals in the body. It has highest levels of antioxidants than any other superfood.
They also have plant sterols due to which they can help in decreasing Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL) levels in the body, which can help in lowering blood cholesterol levels. Researchers also found it to have anti-inflammatory bioactivity, also it may reduce metabolic disease risk. That is why it is considered as a superfood.

Hemp Seeds :

hemp superfood
Hemp seeds

These tiny seeds are rich source of essential fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as omega-3s, which might facilitate fight coronary heart disease, cancer, and even symptoms of depression.
Hemp seeds also are a rich and unusual source of the polyunsaturated fatty acid gamma linolenic acid, or GLA. GLA, found in plant seed oils, has been known to help with variety of ailments, ranging from allergies to attention deficit disorder, and may even help lower cholesterol levels. This makes it a perfect superfood.

Chlorella :

Chlorella superfood
   Chlorella tablets : Image credits:

Commonly known as the ‘‘king of superfoods’’ and is, in fact, so spectacular that NASA has done in-depth studies to assess it as a potential food to be fed to astronauts and grown in space during long interplanetary missions thanks to Chlorella’s high nutrient density and extraordinary medicative properties.
Its health benefits includes, Repairing and Strengthening of DNA. Also protects you against free radicles and oxidative stress damage, making it an anti-ageing food.

Maca roots :

Maca is a medicative plant that primarily grows high up in the mountains of Peru in harsh conditions.
The reason why it is considered as a superfood is that its root powder is very nutritious, and is a great source of several important vitamins and minerals.
Maca root is a good source of carbs and protein, is low in fat and contains a fair amount of fiber. It's also high in some essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, copper and iron.
Furthermore, the superfood contains various plant compounds, including glucosinolates and polyphenols.
Maca Roots powder is very much famous among athletes and bodybuilders, as it can help increasing strength, muscle gain, boost energy and improve exercise performance.
Further, some studies have shown that it may improve memory, and learning. Researches are still going on, for healt benefits of Maca.

      Kale :

kale superfood
Kale plants

Last but definitely not the least in our list is Kale, a popular superfood, It is superrich in nutrients packed with antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin & kaempferol. As it is also rich in antioxidants just like acai berry, it also have similar effects on reducing the free radicals from our body, which can help your skin look good and healthy. Also it is significantly rich in vitamin A and Vitamin K.
Another vital health benefit of Kale is its anti-cancer property. It contains several glucosinolates which when we eat converts into isothiocyanates in our body. These isothiocyanates protects body from various carcinogens. Which definitely makes Kale in list of top Superfoods.


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